By Truds

8 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
hi joanie, iv had this 4 about 5 years & it was qwite smal but i just stock in this pot & it hasnt done 2 bad. it out the frunt of r house & gets all the wind rain & snow. the only time i touch it is if any branchs go a bit brown i cut them of.wen sum1 makes a comment & u want 2 reply am i doing it right.
9 Jul, 2008
I think it's doing absolutely fine! I've just added a photo of I said, much smaller than yours:-( Perhaps we pamper it too much!
10 Jul, 2008
Yes, your comments are on the screen fine. I'm still learning too. I want to save pics of plants for when we get planting behind the new patio (if ever!!!) and I don't know how to do it.
10 Jul, 2008
hi..this plant looks very good, I have one of these but i cant get it to grow, had it about 3yrs,, do you feed it with anything also do you know what they are called??..other pics are great too mate...
1 Sep, 2008
Hi Rammy, i dont know wat you call it. I dont feed it with anything ether. hav u got yours in a pot or the ground. If it in a pot mayb the pot is too small. not much help am i.
2 Sep, 2008
It is in a pot, i'm going to repot it in a bigger one this weekend. see if that works...cheers
2 Sep, 2008
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This plant's doing well Truds! I've had one of these for a couple of years now but it's hardly made any new growth even though it's in a sheltered spot and we put it in the greenhouse to protect it during the winter. Yours is much bigger!
8 Jul, 2008