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Digitalis 'Illumination Pink'

Digitalis 'Illumination Pink'

Yes, I'm trying them again - last year's all vanished.

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Oh goodness, why do you think that was Spritz?....I had one in the ground and it didnt come back, but the two i have in pots are flowering again.....:>)

9 Jul, 2013


Lovely, very popular plant.

10 Jul, 2013


Yes, everyone seems to have it now. T&M must be raking in the money! I'd like to see the gold one...

Moti, I wish I knew! I've got fingers crossed for my new ones.

12 Jul, 2013



As much as I hate giving T&M money I had to buy one too. Thankfully they're a lot cheaper this year and I paid just £3.50 for mine. It's in a dry spot to give it the best chance over the winter.

I grew Isoplexis canariensis from seed and had a couple of late blooms last year...............

The ones in the g/house succumbed to mildew (going to use a fan heater in there this year instead of keeping it cold), and cold got the ones in the cold frame.

13 Jul, 2013


So are you going into the breeding programme too, Meanie? ;-D)

13 Jul, 2013


I do have Isoplexis issabelliana coming along from seed........

At the bottom of this page ( ) there is an even better Digitalis/Isoplexis cross. To the best of my knowledge it's not commercially available yet.

As far as "Illumination Pink" goes I read an interview of the man responsible - in it he said that it was sterile. However, he also said in the same interview that seed produced by it had a very low rate of germination. Of course, if it does germinate it may very well revert back to one of the parents.

13 Jul, 2013


I thought it was sterile, too! Last year's plants didn't set seed.

14 Jul, 2013


This looks very beautiful, much lovelier than the ones I've seen in the GC, which are luminous pink. Could that be because it fades to this subtler shade? I hope it survives this time! I can't decide whether to keep my nine pale pink ones. They are really lovely, but they are supposed to be white! I shan't move them until they finish flowering, but isn't it annoying? I have no labels so can't even complain...but there's £40 right there. It tests my patience! They may all end up in the borders at Glamis.

16 Jul, 2013


I have 3 of these and Chelsea Gold. When they arrived they were tiny and had to be potted on, the chelsea gold in particular are minute. I still can't plant them out yet. I may plant one Illumination and keep the others safe. Not a word of apology from my complaint to T&M, so this time I mean it, I won't even look at what they're selling ...dreadful company:-))

16 Jul, 2013


Have to agree BA:(

16 Jul, 2013


Me too. Grrr....

16 Jul, 2013

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