dahlia myrtle's folly
By Klahanie
- 3 Aug, 2013
in various stages. It changes from dark purple (in early stage) to almost yellow grandma.
Comments on this photo
Jane, this is very interesting dahlia. It changes colour from the bud to maturity so you have to go and visit it every day to see the change. Otherwise it is complete surprize. You would like it.
3 Aug, 2013
if i get one is it easy to look after?
any tips please?
from jane....
3 Aug, 2013
Unfortunately not Jane, These plants are lots of work. You have to lift them for the winter as they would rut in the ground with so much rain we are getting or freeze where there is big frost. And then, in spring you have to replant them.They are fussy and slugs love them when they are young. I am putting a copper protection around each base. One has to really love them to be so dedicated.
3 Aug, 2013
phew! i will think on it...
thank you for letting me know...
3 Aug, 2013
Nice plant,K. I don't grow any Dahlias as I have no earwigs in my gdn, & don't want to invite any in!
3 Aug, 2013
Lots of people would not grow them for that same reason Feverfew. We have all known to man bugs and insects around, including earwigs and sowbugs.
4 Aug, 2013
I love dahlias, but have only grown the dwarf variety because they need so much care and as you say slugs love them and we have loads of them!!! This one is amazing.
6 Aug, 2013
We have lots of slugs as well Susie, I put copper mesh around the base of each plant which helps.
7 Aug, 2013
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ive never seen so many differant flowers since i joined GoY.. They are great stages of colour :) all i keep doing is WOW!!!
nice photo too.
from jane.
3 Aug, 2013