By Pam24
- 21 Aug, 2013
- 1 like
We saw this at an antique fair, (its not antique), very useful for announcing cups of tea or dinners ready when one of us is either in the shed or engrossed in a bit of weeding etc!!
Comments on this photo
Yea, tried that....not a lot of response so hopefully this will work ha ha :))
21 Aug, 2013
Looks good! Sadly nobody makes me cups of tea when I'm in the garden.
25 Aug, 2013
At our last house, Victorian terrace, we had a fab neighbour who made a lovely cup of tea and we used to take it in turns to make a cuppa and then sit and have a chat over the fence.
25 Aug, 2013
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2 Nov, 2009
I just stand at the door and shout!!!
21 Aug, 2013