Valeriana Peaking
By Greenthumb
- 1 Nov, 2013
- 1 like
So much bloom on the valeriana this year. I grew along a trellus since they fall from heavy tops in a rain. They stayed in this nice tall clump filling the garden with such an amazing fragrance. It did not enjoy the extra heat and dryness but I think it is tough enough to get through.
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It likes moist and shady spots and that is my garden other than our drought summer. It suffered from the dryness some this year. It is a sleep inducing drug, so to be used sparingly. The root must be dried for 4 years before use so I haven't got any from it And it tastes, smells awful! (as a tea, the flowers are wonderful). Try it!
2 Nov, 2013
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25 Jul, 2010
Valeriana evidently likes woods and mountains. It is hard to grow it in central European downlands. Do you use it for tea?
2 Nov, 2013