Frozen beauty
By Kasy
- 15 Nov, 2013
Wet night followed by frosty morning - and here it is...
Comments on this photo
oh, feel sorry for you Katarina....
20 Nov, 2013
What about you?
20 Nov, 2013
I can't complain at all Katarina. They are very nice. Although just waiting to get to know new neighbours - 2 doors from me - they are just about to move in - hope they'll be ok.
22 Nov, 2013
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none.
I think it was William Shakespeare who said this.
Well, life without spies is definitely the best solution, lol.
23 Nov, 2013
Life is definitely much easier and more pleasant here Katarina.
23 Nov, 2013
24 Nov, 2013
It is for me:)
24 Nov, 2013
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It´s better to have frozen roses in the garden then a trench foot or neocommunist spy for a neighbour ;-).
18 Nov, 2013