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Azalea (photo from the last year).

Azalea (photo from the last year).

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What a wonderful colour! Have you still got it? I assume it's in a pot. I find azaleas in pots are sometimes a bit uninspiring. This one is lovely. The big outdoor ones I love. especially the scented ones.

27 Feb, 2014


Hi Melchi, this is azalea indica. Yes, it tolerates warm climates, so doesn´t survive very well in Central European winters. However, I have bought white one some 6 years ago and it is full of flowers each year. So I tried this pink one, it is still alive, but very far from what you see on the picture. Will see in April when it has its official blooming season. And yes, I do not like azaleas and rhodies in pots. All mine are planted in garden.

28 Feb, 2014


It's beautiful Kat I hope it rewards you with the same fabulous blooms this year ........

28 Feb, 2014


Well, let´s hope. Thank you, Amy! I seeded your blue himalayan poppies in a small greenhouse this week, please, keep fingers crossed :-)
I actually forgot its name, can you please remind it to me?

1 Mar, 2014


The name of the blue poppies is ' Meconopsis ' Kat , my propagation instructions state ... = sow seeds under glass in the spring ... Site and soil = Requires well-drained lime free soil in light shade . I hope this helps ,fingers crossed for you , it usually takes a couple of years before the plants are big enough to bloom .. :o)

1 Mar, 2014


It is a small portable greenhouse, so the microclimate is like under the glass. It was seeded into peat and it is on the sun only at the end of the day, so I think these three basic instructions were fulfilled :-) They are such beauties!!!

1 Mar, 2014


Best of luck with your azalea, Katarina. It may well exceed your expectations. My sister often just gives things a go. She is enviably optimistic about such things, and her plants often reward her for her faith!

2 Mar, 2014


Thank you very much, Melchi.

3 Mar, 2014

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