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Unknown Geranium

Unknown Geranium (Geranium)

This mystery girl is putting on a bit of a show, lovely foilage and striking orange flower. Wish I had taken note of its name.

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'Mrs. Pollock' ?

18 Jun, 2014


Thanks for the suggestion Bathgate, will check it out on google.

18 Jun, 2014


Mystery over , found the label, its called ''Contrast''

19 Jun, 2014


very striking foliage indeed :-)

19 Jun, 2014


Outlander, I've never really been much of a geranium fan. I refer the hardy ones! But this year I've invested in a collection of 10 scented leaf pelargoniums for my south facing patio. They came as small plugs and have been slow to get going (because I didn't have a greenhouse to bring them on in so they had to go straight out). But they are starting to flower now. Can you they like to be tight in pots, or need room to spread their roots? And do you have a favourite compost mix for them?

22 Jun, 2014


Karen, Thanks for your kind comments, I know a little about potted Geraniums and/or Pelargoniums. Golden rules in a nutshell.

They like sun--Put the pot in a sunny spot.

Let compost dry out a little between waterings, they dont like soaking wet soil, real enthusiasts even move their plants into covered/dry areas during rainy days.

Yes as you had already sussed, they prefer to be a little potbound eg in a pot or container slightly too small for them

When mixing soil for planting them up, many growers mix 30% sandy grit to the compost, Geraniums like well drained soil, will slight stones sand etc incoporated.

Take your favourite ones indoors in Oct ish when temps are getting below 50 f keep them near a window, water less, let the plant enter an almost hibernation until Mar then start feeding as spring approaches.

They appreciate feeding same as other garden plants.

Hope these comments help, Geraniums are truly a blast of colour during the hottest months. Good luck Karen and look forward to seeing a few Geranium pics amongst your other lovely pics.

22 Jun, 2014


Thank you so much ! I am doing everything right then. It's just a case of waiting now! :))

22 Jun, 2014

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