Another visitor.
By Spritzhenry

23 Jun, 2014
I opened the window at silly o'clock this morning and found him sitting on the porch roof within touching distance - he didn't move!
Comments on this photo
I bet!
24 Jun, 2014
They didn't come was raining!
24 Jun, 2014
Aren't they waterproof, then? lol.
25 Jun, 2014
I hope they are. When we came home from holiday we found a poor racing pigeon sitting on the doorstep. Over the following two days she followed us round the garden and was very friendly. We did eventually catch her and were able to get in touch with her owner. He was going to come up on Sunday to collect her. He did say she would likely be able to fly home after a bit of R&R so I let her out of the box. Sunday she flew away and we did not see her till evening. The chap had phoned to see if it was okay to come up and I had to confess I had allowed her out as she could not go home in the box by herself. She was no longer here. He said he would phone if she came home. When she returned I phoned him. As she was very hungry and thirsty we gave her sustenance. She does not trust us too much now and we have been unable to catch her again. He reckoned she had tried to go home but having failed she came back to us trusting that we would look after her. I'm getting quite fond of her. Scottish came over with plants and asked her name. She does not have a loft name but Scottish thought she ought to have one. I decided Charlie would do, as at that point we did not know she was a female. OH has now renamed her Charlotte. It is threatening rain today so she will need to be waterproof unless she agrees to come back to her box.
25 Jun, 2014
Do you think she'll go home eventually? Either collected or on her own?
26 Jun, 2014
The owner is willing to collect her but only if we can catch her. She has never flown from Scotland south to where she lives before. I'm not sure how the built in homing instinct will work from here. She has flown France to Newcastle in a race so she should have the stamina to go home. After all the tv coverage of homing pigeons and their feats during WW1 we feel we owe her ancesters a duty of care towards her.
Did you ever find the soldier in the photo you showed? I may have missed the answer because I had a problem with my computer. I'm just learning how to use the new and updated software on this one.
26 Jun, 2014
No, sadly that trail ended. I do hope 'your' pigeon eventually gets home.
27 Jun, 2014
Damnable things! They sit there dumping their mess on my plants. Mind you, Salem is getting better at catching them. It's a bit frustrating that he feels the need to bring them indoors to dismember them though!
Karen - I know what to mean. Our bedroom is in the attic and they do make a right racket.
27 Jun, 2014
Our daughter lives in a village in Somerset. When we visited the first time she told us to expect a war party doing a dance on the roof at dawn. She did not explain that the noise was down to two Peacocks. It was a nice surprise and we have seen them many times since then. The villagers are in two minds about the desirability or not of these huge birds. We feel it adds a touch of the exotic.
27 Jun, 2014
I'd love peacocks on the lawn, but only if they were silent ones. LOL.
28 Jun, 2014
I'm training a couple in my front garden at the moment but to be truthful they look more like Turtle doves than peacocks but they are big and Green.
28 Jun, 2014
Lovely! (As long as they don't screech!)
29 Jun, 2014
Never. Well there are greenies out there who say lettuce screams when we cut it so maybe they do but my hearing is not good enough to hear it.
29 Jun, 2014
Eeek! The mind boggles!
30 Jun, 2014
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LOL! You're lucky you don't have a daily Crow Dance on your flat roof above where you're sleeping! I've been going down every morning to throw stones at them. This morning, Scott heard them first and got up and threw some water upwards out of the bathroom. That also seemed to do the job! It's really not that funny, as they come down every day hoping to pick off the sparrow fledglings that nest in our roof. Noisy b*****s they are!
23 Jun, 2014