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2014 06 21 18.15.06 copy

2014 06 21 18.15.06 copy

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I love all your ferns. I have only 4 different ones but I intend to look for some more at the end of summer. Is this one hardy? What's it called & is autumn the best time for
planting new ones?

26 Jun, 2014


Dear Feverfew,

Sorry for the late reply. Only just noticed your message. I believe this is a Japanese Deer Fern (_Blechnum nipponicum_). It is quite a small fern, about a small dinner plate size in spread, and only about 7-10 cms high (though the fertile erect new fronds are taller). It tends to form small colonies of 5-10 plants. Only one of the hundreds of 2-ton boulders surrounding my place has them, shallow-rooted in the moss in a flat crevice on one of the rocks. It is in quite heavy shade, though seems to like early morning sun. Yes, it is hardy (where I am has average winter temps of -7 degrees and tons of snow, and it does fine). Though I only stumbled across the colony a few weeks ago, and therefore didn't see the spring growth, I believe this is a most attractive pinkish colour. It's been monsoonal again today, but if there is some let up tomorrow I'll snap a few more local ferns and their growing conditions.

Best, ptarotuos

28 Jun, 2014

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