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This is the white wisteria now.

This is the white wisteria now.

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We will be selling out home one day so I didn't want to leave the wisteria so I transformed it into a Bonsai :)

5 Jul, 2014


goodness thats different how long did it take to achieve this?

5 Jul, 2014


I bought it about ten yrs. ago in a 5 gal. can from the nursery and put it in a very large pot. I cut the trunk back to about 2 ft. and left it to grow last fall to see if I killed it but was advised by a Bonsai master that once established, wisteria are hard to kill. Sure enough, this last spring it started sprouting flower buds all over.
We pulled it out and sawed and chopped the root ball down, all the while keeping it moist. This is a large bonsai although you can't quite tell in the pic. The bonsai pot is 22 in by 16 in by 5 in deep. I used 1/3 bonsai mix and 2/3 potting soil.

6 Jul, 2014


You really need to start off with a very large pot so the trunk will grow and thicken.

6 Jul, 2014



7 Jul, 2014

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