my poor Knophia
By Hollyeves
- 16 Jul, 2014
Only planted these a few weeks ago so was pleased to see flowers coming. This morning I found it like this with the flower on the floor looks like a snail or slug has bitten through it... :( hope my others will flower ok.
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oh NO darned slugs :O(
16 Jul, 2014
Bloomin nuisance arnt they...
17 Jul, 2014
Certainly are Holly, they have played havoc with my hostas this year, think the damp weather has helped them breed. Going to try oat bran flakes around the plants next year see if that helps keep them at bay.
17 Jul, 2014
Thats a good idea, will have to try them...
put some slug pellets down last night, but they all seem to have disappeared this morninb strange...
17 Jul, 2014
Such a pretty flower too Holly sprinkle gravel around them smails dont like gravel.
18 Jul, 2014
Good idea thrupenny, will have to get some...
19 Jul, 2014
They secreat to much slime on gravel which exhaust them thats why they wont go on it.
19 Jul, 2014
Horrible things... I often see the snail trails in the morning....
19 Jul, 2014
I get hundreds Holly yes horrible things. They put the sli.e of them i hand cream yuk . If you kill them the babies left they start to reproduce more than what you kill. Monty Dom said they will only eat young or plant s that are poor quality. I have read they eat the fallen foliage and flower heads to munch up like compost for us.
On one garden program the lady and man had a a large garden full of Hostas not a snail or slug bite in any of their Hostas when they were asked how come, he replied he picks up all fallen or dieing foliage up.
19 Jul, 2014
He must have a very tidy garden then... the snails hide behind my pots, so I go round looking under tge rims where they hide in the day... have noticed recently some very tiny baby ones about..:(
20 Jul, 2014
You ll have to get some beer put it in a margarine pot with hole cut out the top.
20 Jul, 2014
Yes thats the best idea, I think.... :))
21 Jul, 2014
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Oh that's a shame, and so annoying :( I hope some more flowers will grow on it before long ...
16 Jul, 2014