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Paul's Himalayan Musk

Paul's Himalayan Musk

It's second year....climbing the eucalyptus tree nicely. I have another eucalyptus tree just across this one. I am hoping the rose will reach and cover both trees making a nice canopy right on top of the white bench and table in the secret garden.

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That should cover the tree in a hurry. I have a dead tree and would love to find it on this Island to cover it. I already planted some vines but it is slow going.

23 Jul, 2014


Sorry about your vines Klahanie. Hopefully... as time goes on, they will grow faster.

This one is growing fast, so pleased about that. On the other eucalyptus tree I also have a rose 'Kiftsgate', it is a fast grower too. I am hoping the two will meet in the middle.

23 Jul, 2014


I do have filipes Kiftsgate'' growing up the cedar tree but I do like the flowers on Himalayan Musk better. My Kiftsgate is mainly in the shade planted by the previous owners and it rearly blooms. I might take a cutting and root it and plant it by this dead hemlock which is in full sun.

24 Jul, 2014

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