Black Russian Tomato
By Johnjoe

3 Aug, 2014
First time to grow Black Russian Tomatoes. Nice big Tomato just over 3"dia very sweet and juicy, not too attractive looking Marks out of 10///9
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Thank You Alanb, I Suppose I am a bit harsh on them they are not that bad looking. But they are a lovely tomato, one will make 2 sandwiches
3 Aug, 2014
I have this one too. Thought I would try it. Huge plant and huge fruits, but still green at the moment. Thanks for showing it Johnjoe. Nice to know what they taste like.
3 Aug, 2014
Thanks Cinderella, I am not good on colours, they sort of turn to a greyish red. But you will have eating and drinking with them.,,, Lol.
3 Aug, 2014
They look good to me Johnjoe and if they taste good even better. Tomatoes with a "character" :-)
3 Aug, 2014
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,Johnjoe..taste is something else..glad they are proving to be a success for you..:o)
3 Aug, 2014
They have plenty of that Klahanie,
3 Aug, 2014
That is what Bottler's mother say's Bloomer, Lol
3 Aug, 2014
Ha Ha..Sounds about right..unlike Whistler's,I presume? Lol..Oh ,I forgot,you wouldn't be around then ,neither was I,in case you thought it !:o)
3 Aug, 2014
Hi, JJ, this sort of tomatoes are called "farmerĀ“s tomatoes" and they are highly appreciated on local markets, as they are juicy. On the other side, they are not available in large food chains.
9 Aug, 2014
I have picked my first one, but haven't eaten it yet. They are huge aren't they, I have had to tie up the plants because of the weight of the fruit on them.
9 Aug, 2014
Cinderella,, I hope you enjoy them, my neighbour bought a packet from the internet and gave me a seedling. Gosh they do get big and juicy, try them with a fry, sausage and rashers. They are just gorgeous.
10 Aug, 2014
I will Johnjoe. Cant wait.
10 Aug, 2014
great looking toms and awesome photo.
14 Aug, 2014
Glad you like it M/B...
16 Aug, 2014
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Sweet and juicy is just fine by me Johnjoe .... Doesn't really matter what they look like unless your showing them at Chelsea or Tatton. Once they're are chopped in a salad or sliced, who knows anyway.
3 Aug, 2014