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Hemerocallis Daylily Frans Hals

Hemerocallis Daylily Frans Hals

A prolific bloomer

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That is cheerful daylily, I like that. I think Simbad posted same or similar few days ago.

8 Aug, 2014


Yes, I think I've seen it along with Simbad's other remarkable and stunning cultivars.

8 Aug, 2014


This looks very like my Hemerocallis Daylily Frans Hals which is a prolific flowerer

8 Aug, 2014


Drc Aren't they fantastic?? They offer weeks and weeks of big bright bold color. I've had no issues with these at all - they just bloom their hearts out.

8 Aug, 2014


Indeed they do BG, I adore mine its right out side the dinning room doors and we see it flowering for weeks

8 Aug, 2014


....and thank you for naming them for me.

11 Aug, 2014


your very welcome BG.

11 Aug, 2014

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