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Zephyranthes candida - 2014


By Andrewr

Zephyranthes candida - 2014 (Zephyranthes candida)

Small bulb, a few inches high, for moist but well-drained soil in full sun (I grow it in an alpine bed). Protect from winter wet.

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Whenever I see something I like, it is always followed with those dreaded words...protect from winter wet!!

24 Aug, 2014


DD - that is the advantage to my raised alpine bed. It is covered with sheets of glass stood on bricks during the winter, allowing the air to circulate, but keeping the rain off.

25 Aug, 2014


I am sure that is the only way to grow these little beauties, like you we have very wet winters in the south...we do cover the alpine sinks now, which certainly worked last winter!

25 Aug, 2014

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