Dune Grass
By Bathgate

9 Sep, 2014
1 like
I once thought this is where furry caterpillars came from.
Comments on this photo
yes of course it was :D
10 Sep, 2014
Glad to hear it,Paul :o) 'out of the mouths of Babes'..as they say..but a lovely thought..I had visions of you asking for a Caterpillar plant..ha ha..It's pretty though..
11 Sep, 2014
A caterpillar plant?? You mean they really exist!? I gotta get one.
11 Sep, 2014
Well,you can try,Paul,but they might give you the number of a good Therapist ,as part of their Customer service! Lol.x
11 Sep, 2014
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2 Nov, 2009
Lol,Paul..I hope that was when you were a child ! :o))
10 Sep, 2014