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Biden and lobelia

Biden and lobelia

This bidens also got through the late spring unscathed like my petunias. It has really oversized everyone else so far. I'm enjoying the brightness. I'll have to come in and set this photo

Comments on this photo one ages...things sometimes appear skewed ..haha you should have kept mum...I'd have shook my head and figured it was my olde I've never grown Biden but absolutely love lobelia...I have a tall perennial lobelia that is a wild flower on the prairie...wonder if you gave it the same protection as lig. would it grow for you too?...It is a gorgeous sky blue... mine should be blooming very soon...will post a pic..I have tons of seed.

31 Jul, 2008


My Bidens has done the same, Greenthumb, you are not alone :-)

But yours has more flowers than mine

2 Aug, 2008

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