Massive oak limb
By Lauram

22 Feb, 2015
I had this taken down in October, before it could come down on its own. This is only part of it; my neighbor took the rest for firewood. The trouble is, this limb shaded my garden, so now I'll have to wait until the trees leaf out to decide how I'm going to replant that area. I may get to grow actual flowers for a change!
Comments on this photo
That is lots of work Laura. Looking forward to see what are you going to grow there. Do you have mainly deciduous trees?
23 Feb, 2015
It's mixed - lots of oaks, tulip poplar, birches - and of course the good old Georgia pine that pops up everywhere.
I suspect that it'll be a good thing. I've been able to grow so few flowers because it's so shady, but I don't know if removing just this one huge limb will be enough to make a difference. All just trial and error I suppose. I'm planning to dig a new garden that's now in nearly full sun after taking a pear tree down, and that one is going to be nothing but daisies and delphiniums and whatever else people with sunny gardens grow.
23 Feb, 2015
You'll have a colourful garden this year then :)
25 Feb, 2015
It will be nice for you to grow some flowers if you have more light now :o)
22 Feb, 2015