part three
By Saranfiljka

18 Mar, 2015
Comments on this photo
For my granddaughter, yes but I self publish family history with lots of pictures and text.
Costly but I love putting them together and having them published ...
No more loose pictures in shoe boxes for me, they are great books instead.
One covered 50 years since my family migrated to Australia from Yugoslavia (not called that anymore).
The second big book, is on my husbands family pioneering and settling in NSW Tyalgum Creek, rich with history.
my daughter is self published author of a trilogy, she is on Amazon, I don’t think I will go that way. She wrote a trilogy on a virus break out in Geelong Victoria.
"The South Forsaken"
My next book will be Garden, before and after, covering all the places we lived in and the mark I made in them.
Ill keep you posted, I am enjoying this Banta.
18 Mar, 2015
You have a lucky grand daughter. Our family have a history of grannies who make up bed time stories to tell their grandchildren. Its a way of passing on the family history about the lives our ancesters lived, where they lived and the work they did. All word of mouth nothing is written down.
19 Mar, 2015
This is a lovely story. Do you write and illustrate childrens books.
18 Mar, 2015