By Ickledigga
- 22 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
aha thanks!!! i'll feed some to tom he's got arthritis!!! hehe!!
22 Jul, 2008
EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeew Blodyn your brave2eat that :)
22 Jul, 2008
Yes it's feverfew It's also good for migraines too... but blessed if I'd know how to process the plant to eat it...it puts me off, just the smell of the leaves... Lancet says that it helps reduce inflammation...(arthritis) and the ancients used it to reduce fever...hence the name. It is quite invasive, I planted a package of seed two years ago and it's still all over theplace in my garden...I rip it out but can't keep up with it's selfseeding.
31 Jul, 2008
I've chewed the leaves in place of asprin and find it works well, but there is a danger of mouth sores or worse with too much use.
29 Aug, 2008
Ouch!! Grammazoo. you're brave..is the taste bitter or sour?
29 Aug, 2008
Bitter, much like chewing Bayer asprin... but effective for my system anyway! It is a Native American remedy.
30 Aug, 2008
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I heard once that it is suposed to help with arthritis so I used to eat the leaves. They're very bitter.
22 Jul, 2008