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Surprise clematis.

Surprise clematis.

I planted this clematis in 2011 and it's never flowered before. I was so surprised this week to find these two massive flowers open. They are as big as breakfast plates. Difficult to photograph as they are right on top of the arch....Sod's law!! I must look for its name. it's not in my records on here as I don't put them on usually til I can add a photo of the flower.

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With that pale blue tinge I'm guessing C. Jackmanii 'Alba'.

25 Jun, 2015


Very beautiful Homebird.

25 Jun, 2015


It may be 'Duchess of Edinburgh'...looks like mine..

25 Jun, 2015


So pretty,Sheila,and what huge flowers ! Glad you found it's name :o) x

26 Jun, 2015


I have never liked my Jackmanii 'Alba', the double flowers are always straggly and they have a green tinge as well as the blue. The single ones are much nicer. One day I will do away with it! Your Marie B. looks much prettier.

26 Jun, 2015


Glad you found it! Its a lovely flower. :)

26 Jun, 2015


What a stunning Clematis!

26 Jun, 2015


That's beautiful, worth waiting for.

27 Jun, 2015


Wow, when I first glanced at this I thought it was a late Rhododendron! Have never seen a Clematis with such big flowers. You must be very thrilled with it. I hope it continues to thrive for you.

30 Jun, 2015

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