The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Derekm


This Zantedeschia aethiopica is flowering for the first time this year, I've persevered with it for 5 years.

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Such a pretty boarder variety and colour

17 Feb, 2017


Thanks 3d, I haven't posted any photo's for a while, because I don't seem to be able to retrieve them whilst on GoY, before whenever I clicked on add a photo, the folder opened up automatically, but nothing happens now, so I don't know how I'm going to solve that particular problem, Derek.

18 Feb, 2017


Sorty to hear that Derek that is such a shame.
Have you up graded to windows 8 ,9, or 10 as I know quiet a few people had trouble when they up graded with windows 8 on a history forum . My grandson sorts my pc when I up date as I have nt a clue.
So perhaps it might best to ask some one on here how to fix it if its through the windows up grade there is a way that I know for sure.

18 Feb, 2017


Hi 3d, no I'm still using windows 8.1, they mithered me for months to upgrade to windows 10 but I kept resisting their advances, my nephew told me that a lot of people who had taken the upgrade, were having problems which were a fault at windows, so it can't be that.
When I'm feeling a bit better, I'll give it another go, and if that fails, I'll take your advice, and ask a question on here, there must be some ''techie's'' on here, lol, Derek.

18 Feb, 2017


Sorry to hear your not well Derekm I hope you get well soon.
Yes I am sure there is some one on here who would be willing to help you who knows how if all fails again.

19 Feb, 2017


Hi 3d, yes I'm still suffering the after effects of shingles which I started with on 23rd september last year, it's left the skin on my chest, side and back on my left side very sensitive and painful, unfortunately the medication I've been taking, can actually cause the symptoms it's supposed to treat, so I've seen my Doctor about coming off them, but it seems to be fighting back, but I'll win in the end, Derek.

19 Feb, 2017


So sorry you have shingles Derekm as I know how painful they are. Seems your immune system needs boosting if you have had it so long with side effects of some medication I try alternative things not sure if this diet further down on this link will help you. I am glad to hear though its fighting back.

21 Feb, 2017


Hi 3d, thanks for the link, I've had a look, but it seems to be more for getting rid of the rash, which I got rid of after about 2 weeks, the rest seems more to do with preventing a recurrence of shingles, but what I have is nerve pain from the damaged nerve ends, but I will try to eat more of the recommended foods, so thanks again, Derek.

23 Feb, 2017


Sorry its just prevention Derekm I did nt realise it was prevention I thought it might cure your shingles but I am glad to hear you will try to eat the foods I try to buy organic and cook from fresh where possible . It seems nowadays the way to good health is through keeping your immune system boosted.

I once heard a London hospital professor saying we have to many anti bacterial cleaning stuff which he said is killing our immune system it is nt being attacked to boost it he then said what ever happened to old fashioned washing up liquid and bleach to clean with.

28 Feb, 2017


Hi 3d, yes I've heard that before, we seem to be too clean for our own good these days, we don't get the germs we need to trigger our immune system to fight back, so our defences are not set up to fight back when needed, Derek.

28 Feb, 2017


You ve explained that better than I could but oh so true Derekm the doctors are even now asking parents to get a dog for children that suffer alligies so they can ajust.

Years ago in the 40s 50s 60s 70s we used cotton wool and water to clean our babies and a flannel or own hands to wash our faces as kids now its all these anti bacteria wipes. I ve read up that each time we wash in anti bacterial we are killing our selves and our immune system. We use to play in mud making mud pies get dirty god forbid nowadays if children get dirty its as if its a sin. I say a dirty child is a happy child but nowadays you would get reported as an unfit parent if children went around like I did in the 50s 60s.
I ve even learned from the pharmacist these liquid soaps can cause aggrivation itching to the skin its also in most tooth paste so I use bars of soaps like when I was a child .

1 Mar, 2017


Hi3d, yes I agree with every word, kids nowadays don't know what they're missing, laptops and ipads etc, have a lot to answer for, Derek.

1 Mar, 2017


They certainly dont Derkm I have 9 grandchildren nearly all have phones with internet so they could learn with the worlds knowlege at their finger tips but no they either ask me or my son I tell them you ve got the internet on your phone whats up with looking it up on that..

My son bought an old dial phone his sons age from late teens to mid 20s had nt a clue how to phone from it my son had to tell them stick your finger in number dials and rotate then put the reciever to you ear and mouth .
I dont think most youngesters even in their 30s would know how to light and work a fire or rayburn in a house which I find disturbing for survival if the worse ever happened yet from a young age we could light a fire in the house and camp fires.

1 Mar, 2017

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