Pinky and Perky
By Mr_crocosmia

20 Oct, 2015
We now do Hedgehog rescue........... these 2 were brought to us after being abandoned by their mother... soooooooo cute!!! At the moment we have 12 in, all will be kept until spring as they are too small to make the winter..
Comments on this photo
TY yes they are gorgeous........ :)
22 Oct, 2015
Ah they are brilliant, good to hear you are taking them in. Mark, my son says he has some in his garden that are too small to survive he already has taken one to Boston hedgehog care, will let him know about you saving them think that you might be nearer him than most other places.
ps. Just to let you know my Crocosmias are doing well if you would kindly pass on the message to Laurie hope you are both keeping well. :O)
22 Oct, 2015
Good to hear your Crocosmia are doing well........ will pass that on to Lauri. lol
Oh lord, if the hedgehogs are too small to survive, plz get them somewhere soon and help them survive. We will gladly take them in if your son brings them here.. :)
22 Oct, 2015
Will let him know, but was thinking about it last night, maybe the Boston care for hedgehogs is closer for him to take them to, he lives in the middle of Grantham. But will tell him about you caring now for them he will have choices then.
23 Oct, 2015
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They are little cuties.
21 Oct, 2015