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I've never grown Dahlia's before can I keep these for next year?

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Yes lift them as they die down wash the compost and slugs off the tubers dry them Wrap them in newspaper put them in a box a and keep frost free until they start shooting next year. they might survive in the ground but depends a bit how cold it gets.

22 Oct, 2015


Hi, agree with Bjs, but when you dry them, don't just dry the outside of the tubers, leave about 4 to 6 inches of stem and turn them upside down to drain water from the stems, right from the tuber, Derek.

22 Oct, 2015


Hi S,Killa,nice to hear from you again :o) Good advice above ,and check the newspaper now and then,as sometimes it tends to get damp,as the tubers still may retain some just replace with new..checking the tubers for any signs of mould at the same time. I used to store mine on a shelf in a Wardrobe :o)

22 Oct, 2015


I just dig mine out (even that they still bloomed) and did exactly what is said above.

22 Oct, 2015


Thanks everyone

23 Oct, 2015

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