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After the new plants went in..

After the new plants went in..

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This is lovely and it will get even better when the plants grow and soften it.

21 Mar, 2016


I'm hoping so! I already have lots of plants in there but I wanted more!! My waterlilies are now starting to come up too!!

21 Mar, 2016


Water lillies etc will soon fill the space once the warmer weather arrives.

22 Mar, 2016


They will do! Lots of little leaves/lily pads are begining to gradually emerge from their pots :)

22 Mar, 2016


The surrounding area of the pond is looking well grown. Ps have you lost a pair of scissors?!!!!

4 Apr, 2016


Haha Siris!! I always lose my scissors allover the garden :)

5 Apr, 2016


You wait till you become a 'wrinkly'. Never remember where I put down tools.

5 Apr, 2016


Haha! I've about three pairs of scissors currently missing in the garden and I've just bought more to replace them! It'll be okay by November when everything has lost its leaves and I can find them again!!

5 Apr, 2016


They could be rusty by then, just as well you have bought some more.

6 Apr, 2016


Exactly! I found one pair of them today, for some reason hiding beneath the rabbit hutch!! Two more to go!!

6 Apr, 2016


Wondered in one of your previous pics what the wire cage was for - rabbit/rabbits.

6 Apr, 2016


Yes- our rabbit! That's her run for the garden! We rescued her from being used to breed all the time!

6 Apr, 2016


You will have to take some photos of her for us to see, Dan.

7 Apr, 2016


I shall do :) she only goes out into the run on weekends because she only lets specific people lift her up out of her house, she's a fussy one :)

7 Apr, 2016

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