agave 01
By Majeekahead

21 Oct, 2007
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main plant oct 07 will see how it fairs outside as it has had babies with are in the green house!
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well to be honest i am not sure either, someone gave it to me this summer so i have taken loads of cuttings, i have some in a cold frame, one in the pourch and one in the house, but i think i am going to risk leaving the big one outside, because it is quite big and very sharp and i have a 2 year old hooligan! so i am kind of covering all angles really. do you know exactly what it is? i am thinking aloe, but not sure would be good to know the variety ect.
21 Oct, 2007
Your plant is an Agave. In Mexico they make a distilled spirit from the juice called Mezcal. Tequila is made out of the juice from the blue Agave. I have often wondered what Tequila tastes like, have you ever tasted it?
21 Oct, 2007
I have two of these plants. Although I didn't know what they were called I took a chance and left them outside in the ground. The person I got these two beauties from has several which are over five feet tall. One of mine has had babies, and the babies are growing about three feet from the parent plant. I was told by the fellow I got mine from that they were called Texas Corn Plants, but, I'm not sure. I would like to know their proper name though.
28 Aug, 2008
Hi, it certainly looks like an Agave Americanus.
I have had mine for over 40 years and the rule of thumb I use is:
Keep it dry, and cold, but light, all winter, October /November till late march.
I put mine under cover and never water all winter. I bring them out about April, I trim all the dead leaves to a point quite close (or as close as I can get without injury) to the stem/crown; give them a drink and that's about it. They seem to be OK with quite cold temperatures as long as they are dry. If they are wet and cold they go all slimy and die.
I have about 24 babies all from the one parent plant.
They are taking over my small patio garden!!
4 Apr, 2009
thanks Juliette, yes it has faired fine outside, i have covered it with fleece - which i took off a few weeks ago, as the weather has been quite mild, and it seems fine.
6 Apr, 2009
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28 Aug, 2008
Hi, I purchased one of these plants this year. I was wondering If you are going to leave yours outdoor during the winter months?
21 Oct, 2007