New pond plants..

9 Apr, 2016
Marsh marigold, pendulus sedge, waterlily and a fratilerie?
Comments on this photo
It really is! I've finally got a car again (had an accident in mine) so I don't have to rely on my parents so I'll be going again one afternoon this week. Just for a look (that will turn into, buying things)
13 Apr, 2016
It is! Wasn't my fault I didn't have one but it's good to be back on the road! Already been to 'that place' that I'm addicted to spending money at. For the second time this week
14 Apr, 2016
There isn't?! Haha!! Oh well!
15 Apr, 2016
Pictures by dandanspondpage
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Gardening with friends since
11 Mar, 2016
Thankyou! Not bad- to say I only intended to get fish food :)
11 Apr, 2016