My Raised Bed
By Johnjoe

21 May, 2016
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I have in it Cylindra Beetroot, Swiss Chard Lucullus, Chinese Cabbage Spectrum, Iceberg Lettuce, Mizuna,
Comments on this photo
Thank you Klahanie, we made them 3ft bigger this year and it has made a big difference.
22 May, 2016
Thanks H/B It good to hear from you, I have taking a second bed and joined them together it's now
abt 30ft x 10ft it was 15ft x 6ft. I have half the bed in Rooster potato and are now jumping out of the ground Lol. I have used seaweed as fertiliser and looking forward of harvesting them in a few weeks.
30 Jun, 2016
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1 Oct, 2013
Looks and sounds good Johnjoe. Lots of healthy "stuff". The whole area looks neatly kept. Very nice.
21 May, 2016