The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

IMG 2863

IMG 2863

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Are all your Acers purchased grafted plants ? I ask because i have quite a number germinate each year where the seed fall in the garden but for most transplanting them is the kiss of death,it seems there root system in the early years is quite fragile,I do have several nice established seedlings but they are the exception to the rule.

21 May, 2016


Hi Bjs. I buy my plants as established trees. The weather in my garden is some what fierce to my Acers. This year I lost 4 Acers. My garden is terraced and has severe winds that do not favour my Acer's. I have 79 Acers intotal in my small garden , most re in pots s I have not got much ground for planting into . This will be the gardens 4th summer from completion . This was no mean task as EVERTHING had to come in and out the house and up my stairs through my bedroom..then up the outside steps. The very top terrace overlooks the cottage roof top...and you can bet when you are doing anything up top the thing you want is on the lower level !!!

21 May, 2016


That is a lot I have about 10 but most are very established in the garden the green Dissectum was planted around 45 years ago and I have diverted the garden path twice to accommodate it there is a pic of it on a recent blog if you have not seen it

22 May, 2016

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