Special California Horses.
By Stan510

11 Jun, 2016
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Well,they are in California. Isn't that special?..wink.
btw- Native Elderberry plants in bloom. Make a great wine,they say.
Comments on this photo
That nice pinnate tree- maybe a Locust- on its side,Klahanie? It split off yesterday from the rest of the tree to the right.
Living up to the warning they are brittle.
I think I have one of the nicest commutes in the bay area. If you have to drive 20 miles,might as well see Horses,cattle,Turkeys and Deer. Plenty of bird life too. Through Sunol-Niles road..a scenic highway.
Those horses were along the side of the road. June is one nice month of life.
11 Jun, 2016
That split tree Klahaine? I've seen some ancient oaks do the same thing...but they had both sides fall away killing the tree. I think the years of drought followed by relative abundance caused some trees to swell...and split in the summer warmth.
Just my theory,but sounds good-lol.
22 Jun, 2016
23 Jun, 2016
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2 Nov, 2009
Looks very peaceful out there.
11 Jun, 2016