By Paulspatch

19 Jun, 2016
Paddy went for a trip to the beautiful ,Priory park, Southend today!
Lots of photos in my blog .
Comments on this photo
A little greyer these days, isn't he?
19 Jun, 2016
Aren't we all?!
20 Jun, 2016
Awe lovely photo of Paddy he s looking great Paul in spite of age with going grey ? he looks happy and healthy and thats what counts.
22 Jun, 2016
Still full of beans at 13 Dawn.he loves his walks and going out in the car.
22 Jun, 2016
I am so pleased to hear that Paul I bet he s the boss of the car to? dogs get very protective over the car ?
23 Jun, 2016
He just lays on the floor in the passenger foot well but, when we slow up he's up, looking out the window and yelping to get out!!!!
23 Jun, 2016
Adorable lil dog! What breed or mix? Looks like he may have some Russel in him somewhere.. My dog is a 4 yr old male I think Beagle Sheltie mix. Named Cujo. The shelter named him and he doesn't respond to anything else. Lol. He is not a mean dog, he will most likely lick you to death lol. But he is protective, walking him at night when dark, he will bark, growl (he rarely ever growls) and lunge if he sees someone he doesn't know. During the day he's more liable to lick lol. Like a Jeckle and Hyde personality, I guess.
2 Oct, 2016
Thank you......Paddy is 13 yrs old now and since this photo was taken, has been quite poorly.The vet isn't certain of problem but it may be a Tumor(Insulinoma), his glucose levels have been dangerously low. But, we have changed his diet and feed him four times a day now, and he has settled down over the last few weeks.He seems happy and doesn't appear to be in pain so we just hope this improvement lasts.He's a lovely, playful little dog. He will occasionally grumble at some male dogs(not all) but is generally happy to see very one , canine and human. He loves children even though he's never lived with any.Just as well as we have our first grandchild due in March.
His mum and dad both appeared to be pure Border Terriers and all his paperwork states border terrier but I believ there maybe some Jack Russel, maybe a couple generations back. His temperament is very much like a border terrier.
3 Oct, 2016
My sons dog has been ill to Paul they to jave had to change her food she is 7 now I am wondering now if its age or if its the food.
10 Oct, 2016
I hear of a lot of dogs with allergies , intolerances recently.I wonder if the food manufacturers are adding more to their processed pet foods now, that causes problems.
10 Oct, 2016
Yes I wonder if thats what they are doing Paul my sons dog was squeelimg in pain and would nt touch some of the other dog foods either I ll find out which one she is on now and let you know
I also find it funny they have recently bought out a new dry dog food stating it does nt contain all the rubbish so you might be right there on that one.
11 Oct, 2016
He is currently on Burns (dry, high protein food...potato and pork) He loves it and always eats it immediately whereas, for years he wouldn't eat for a day or so and we just thought he was fussy and got fed up with foods. We didn't dream it was intolerance.Poor little fella was obviously refusing to eat at times because it made him feel ill. But, vet never made any suggestions re intolerances. So, we just varied his food but now he's been eating this one everyday for 3 months with no problems at all. Although, we realise he is's not just food intolerance but, hopefully he will stay well for a while.He seems happy enough most of the time.
11 Oct, 2016
My sons vet said no human food either as it can cause trouble and as they get older their diet should be different. She was also stinking the house out passing wind.
I am pleased to hear Paddy is eating now with changing his food. My son thought the same as you his dog was being fussey as she stopped eating to so it must some thing in the dog food.
I was reading the other day they put human hair in our bread for shelf life especially flour from China stuff from silicone faluse boobs what woman have implanted in most chicken nuggets if they are doing things like this to our food what the hell do they put in dog food.
I make my own bread now soda bread I know whats going into it using Hovis flour as its the only flour from England
Warbatons get their flour from usa and Canada which they spray their crops from banned insecticides which are banned in the EU and here one lady said it causes you to loose your memory like Alzhimers.
11 Oct, 2016's a bl***y mine field with all the additives and incredible things that go in. We will never know the full extent and the extent of the damage caused by them to our and our pets' health.
11 Oct, 2016
I asked which food my sons dog os on now its Butchers loaf she is fine with that.
Yes Paul the food industry is a mine field now even most seeds are gm.
13 Oct, 2016
At his one is called Burns's a dried high protein food.
We tried him on so many different foods including the butchers loaf but there was something that effected him in them all.
13 Oct, 2016
My daughter in law said she tried all the dried dog food she would nt touch any of them . I shall ask if she has tried what you have Paddy on now.
13 Oct, 2016
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19 Jun, 2016