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Crimson Pirate Daylilies

Crimson Pirate Daylilies

This always make a dramatic display.

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Beautiful colours!

28 Jun, 2016


:) thanks Tracey. They look better every year

28 Jun, 2016


That is a zinger! I like daylilies but find they've been hybridized down to no foliage and a couple of sticks of spectacular blooms that go over in a day! (yes, I know..DAY lily.. :-)) Have the old orange ones that seem to be out of fashion ...but they're having their hay-day now and looking wonderful. They seem to tolerate the drought very well.

12 Jul, 2016


Are you talking about the Orange Tiger Lily, or otherwise known as Ditch Lily? I have a small stand of those as well. I find them quite striking.

12 Jul, 2016


I don't think so, Bathgate... it's the orange daylily..hemerocallis have posted of pic of a patch beside the house inwhich they're growing intertwined with saponaria! .. the tiger lilies come from bulbs and have brown spots on back-curving petals, do they not? It could well be a "ditch lily" as they don't seem to be affected by salt and will grow happily in almost pure sand. They are an old perennial from the beginning of the last century. The ones my mother grew came from my great grandmother's garden. They've been around a long time. My Mom's name for them was 12th of July Lilies. I'm not sure why the historical reference, rather than their colour and the date of their bloom.

12 Jul, 2016

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