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doing well to flower 1st year ...

17 Jul, 2016


Yes! It was bought last year but did nothing and didn't grow well- it's been fed (as have the others) and they've all done a lot better foliage wise and hopefully may all flower :)

17 Jul, 2016


they normally settling in the 1st year roots etc

What do you feed them with ?

17 Jul, 2016


My local watergarden centre (where I now work) sell Velda aquatic plant food (they feed their lillies with them twice a year) so I put one food ball in each pot and they're doing much better :) can use it for other pond plants now but it was only the lillies that I needed to put on a little more growth :)

17 Jul, 2016


You will be a expert if working in the watergarden center

I grow mine in tubs and one year decided to feed them with liquid seaweed fertliser all I had was huge leaves and no flowers lol

17 Jul, 2016


Haha Thankyou! And mine are all in pots in the pond but the fish like to dig around them! So mainly my aim is to get enough leaves that if any get eaten or damaged you don't notice! But I love the flowers too!

17 Jul, 2016

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