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Lobelia siphilitica - 2016


By Andrewr

Lobelia siphilitica - 2016 (Lobelia siphilitica)

I grew several of the 'hardy' lobelias last year, but this is the only one to make an appearance this year (although I suspect it was slugs rather than the winter that killed the others). For moist soil in sun or part shade, reaching anything between two and four feet.

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We grow this one also......

4 Aug, 2016


Yes....the very same.....

16 Aug, 2016


Best not to cut the dead growth off until the spring. Moisture runs down the hollow stems and kills the plant from the inside out. Following that rule I find them perfectly hardy, even L.tupa.

18 Aug, 2016


Thanks Meanie, that's a good tip.

18 Aug, 2016


A good tip which I picked up from you a few years ago and put to good use....

19 Aug, 2016

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