Double osteospermum Violet Ice
By Cinderella

11 Aug, 2016
New this year, bought at Bath & West show.
Comments on this photo
Sorry Cinders,just had to delete a comment,as I had written a reply to someone else ,but sent it to you,and couldn't delete it,without writing something ! :o) x
11 Aug, 2016
Thank you Sandra. I was thinking about that this morning, I have it in a pot at the moment, but was wondering if I could take cuttings just in case. Did you keep them indoors over winter or greenhouse.
11 Aug, 2016
Love these doubles....
11 Aug, 2016
I did keep the cuttings in the Conservatory,Cinders,along with Pelargoniums and a few Begonia Semps..I didn't dare risk them in my plastic Growhouse,in case it had been a bad winter..I have some spare racking,so it's ideal for overwintering plants..
11 Aug, 2016
Ever so lovely...similar to clematis florida.
11 Aug, 2016
Wow what a wonderful Osteospurnum.....
11 Aug, 2016
So pretty.
12 Aug, 2016
It is very pretty Moti, apparently a new one this year.
Thanks Sandra, I think I will do that
Karen it does look like clematis flower doesn't it.
Thanks Dotty, I hope I can get some cuttings going
Glad you like it Klahanie.
12 Aug, 2016
Thanks Hb, I have taken some cuttings, and they are looking good at moment, so fingers crossed.
23 Aug, 2016
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Very pretty,Cinders..I do love Osteo's..mine all survived last winter outside..but I took a few cuttings too..
11 Aug, 2016