reconstruction on the stream
By Lori

7 Sep, 2016
the log is from a poplar which was taken down because it was shading an apple tree. Had a wider angle shot of the tree but apparently the pic was too large to upload!
Comments on this photo
I may be wrong, but in my case, at least, I've found that getting to the "wildlife attracting native" garden was a progression. For years I did the same; I collected saintpaulias and gesneriads, orchids (moth orchids) and perennials (when we finally moved to our own house). The selection for collection (?! ;-)) increased drastically but after awhile I found that fitting my pampered collection into my environment wasn't always successful... that's when the light went on. What does nature grow here?...and I was once again on a steep learning curve. I've said a few times that I should have started on this garden 20 years ago when I was stronger and younger... but...this seems to be how it works. ... Too soon old..too late smart. (speaking strictly for myself, you understand.)
8 Sep, 2016
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14 May, 2014
Very,very,cool. I wish I could restore a habitat.
I spent decades getting and collecting exotic plants..Now,I sort of like the idea of a wildlife attracting native garden.
I cant
7 Sep, 2016