Just goes to show who is in charge
By Jenlewis

16 Sep, 2016
Was feeding Shadow when Star my cat just walked up and started eating his dinner. Shadow just laid down, looked at me as to say, Mum she's eating my dinner.
Comments on this photo
Sandra, I am so sorry to hear your back still giving you problems. Fingers crossed that the scan finds out what is wrong and its sorted soon. I couldn't believe my luck of having my phone to hand when this happened. I've been very lucky that to 2 dogs and Star get on so well. She put Shadow in his place a couple of times when he was younged but never with claws out. They even curl up together.
18 Sep, 2016
Love it! and I especially love tabbies. Had a tabby named Barney and I'm sure I'll never own another animal that was as close to me as he was. He's my cat angel. Shadow is a beauty and obviously very intelligent! "Cats rule and dogs drool!" LOL...
18 Sep, 2016
Lol Lori, I must admit there are still a few of the kids DVD's I still have and one of those is "cats and dogs". Hubby wanted to name him Bill as my other dog is called Ben and there was a children's tv program from our childhood called that but I wanted Shadow as he is my Shadow everywhere I go and is darker then Ben. I won :-). Star was named by the rescue centre.
18 Sep, 2016
That made me smile... "Bill and Ben.. the flowerpot men." ...and "widddow weeeeed". The cats rule quote is from the kids movie "the Incredible Journey" in that the older dog was named Shadow...the younger dog was Chance and the cat was Sassy. My youngest watched that movie over and over... he loved it. That's why after all the years I can still quote the script! :-)
18 Sep, 2016
Lol, I knew that was a quote from a kiddy film, just forgot which one. My girls had that film but it was on tape so not seen in long time. They loved it as well.
18 Sep, 2016
Love tabby cats....had 3 of them as a child.... think I may have to get another one in the future. Have got two tortoise shell cats now and a jack Russell who is so jealous of them both!
21 Sep, 2016
Hi Maggie, welcome from one newbe to another :-). Star is the first tabby I've had, my last cat was black. Lol Shadow gets jealous of Star and Ben my other dog. If I'm making a fuss of either Shadow tries to get in between. If Star is on my lap then Shadow gets up as well. He is only just one but already 32 kgs so I get quite squashed.
21 Sep, 2016
Thankyou and welcome to you too!
They are all so funny with their ways and characters aren't they.....what would we do without them! ?
21 Sep, 2016
Oh My!! the look in those beautiful eyes, I hope you made sure Shadow did get his dinner back, lol, he's very handsome isn't he and must be a very loving dog to allow that, our Brynner barks like mad at dinner time when I am filling up the dishes, the cats have a habit of trying his out first, mind you if he gets the chance he pinches theirs as well so its even stevens all round..
4 Oct, 2016
Lol Lincslass, why is it the others food always taste better. :-). Star used to do the same with Ben's food. Before got Shadow I would put Ben's breakfast down but he would graze on it during the day then quite happy to watch Star eat it as well. Now I have to lift it if Ben doesn't eat it all or Shadow polishes it off. Thank you, I think he's beautiful but I'm bias :-). Shadow is my mischievous one, into everything, opens my back doors, Ben is my gentle one. I used to take him into the nursing home my mother in law was in. They all loved him and save their biscuits for him.
5 Oct, 2016
We have a similar thing here with Molly and Willow...that's exactly the same expression that Willow has....Muuuum!
25 Apr, 2017
Lol Karen, I'm lucky that both dogs don't food guard but it does mean I have to keep an eye on them as they are on different food. People think German Shepherds are big scary dogs but my 2 are big softies. There is a 6 yr old girl who lives near where I walk and whenever she sees me with them, she comes running out so can play ball with Ben. Her parents know and are ok with it and I keep a close eye but Ben is so gentle with her and gets all excited seeing her as well.
26 Apr, 2017
We had two when I was a child...not at the same time. But we had SueSue when I was very small, and we had Katie when I was a bit older. Sadly Katie had to go and live with my Grandmother when my parents split up. It was sad. But I have always loved them. I would have another one...I would....but they do have hind leg problems which would be hard to bear. Mind you, so do Labradors, and we have one of them!
26 Apr, 2017
Actually, I think SueSue was my Gran's dog and ours was Shep. They are wonderful although they can be very protective of children in the family and I would never walk between one and it's person when we are out in the street.
26 Apr, 2017
That is why Shadow is a Sable one. Did you see that one on cruffs that made all the news due to state of it. Really upset me. Some breeders, like with Pugs and British bull dogs have condemned them to problems for a look. The police are now mainly using Sables as their bloodlines tend to come from eastern Europe so got straighter backs and not so many problems.. Saying that, Ben does have problems but he was the runt of litter and had problems as a puppy. He was bred as a working dog but his brothers and sisters sensed his medical problems and kicked him out of the litter. He then got cancer at 2 and had to have a toe cut off which then made him run a bit off balance ever since which now he is 8 he has a few more problems. I think Ben is more gentle then most, he used to be a pat dogs in the nursing home my mother in law was in and go in everyweek.
26 Apr, 2017
Oh Jen...I just looked up that Crufts Dog. I never watch it and had not heard about it. But it's awful. That just looks awful. Imagine them breeding them like that on purpose...it just looks totally un-natural doesn't it. Horrible. I didn't know about Sables either, but they seem much better. I must say, I really do not like dog shows. The breeder who sold Willow to us goes to them most weekends, and his dogs are absolutely beautiful....but even so, I don't like the shows at all. All this breeding for a look is madness.
26 Apr, 2017
It really upsets me and I've got no time for Kennel club and what they say dogs should look like I don't watch cruffs but saw about that German Shepherd on news. Both my boys are Sables, Ben is a red Sable, Shadow is a Black one. When I'm out with them I get a lot of the older generation saying they look like German Shepherds looked like from their childhood (before breeders changed their look.) All kennel club British bulldogs that are breed to their specific requirements have to born by C section as the puppies heads are now too big for mother to cope with!! Sorry will get off my soap box now.
26 Apr, 2017
I don't blame you though Jen. It's cruel and horrible.
26 Apr, 2017
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Our cats rule here too..although my terriers don't get that close to them!
18 Sep, 2016