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Stream flowing again!


By Lori

Stream flowing again!

It's been dry since May.

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Amazing isn't it ,is it snow melting from higher up Lori ?

1 Dec, 2016


I went to check out the stream where I had made changes during the dry spell... it looks like it's ok.. no major erosion going on. whew, that's a relief. True, Amy! The little lake above us that feeds this stream is full again.. our water table has dropped considerably but this much snow and then the rain after has made the difference. I hope we have a snowy winter. That way the temps are not terribly cold and the frost doesn't go deep into the ground. Lots of water for our trees.

2 Dec, 2016


hi lori, down here in ny we also had some dry spells, now we are getting the rain that i wish we had in the summer months, your stream looks good, i have one out back and it is flowing really well , ducks are on it now

4 Dec, 2016


Thanks Vjd: I've been working for the last six years to try to deepen my pond and it's hard, slow work with just a spade. I'm hoping for ducks and maybe some Canada Geese. The dryness this summer put my plans back another season. Still lots of shoveling to do. I had hoped to get some irises in near the water but with the need to get wood in for the winter those plans also got postponed. The stream, in past years, has been a source of water for the garden. It dried up in May and didn't flow again until Nov./Dec. and that is NOT normal. fingers crossed for next spring and summer.

4 Dec, 2016


am hoping for a wet winter here in ny, my gardens suffered so much last yr, also have my fingers crossed that next yr will be a good yr for gardening with just the right amount of sun and rain! enjoy the holidays

4 Dec, 2016


Are you in the upper or lower part of the state, Vjd?

7 Dec, 2016


i am in what they call the Southern tier of ny, we just got hit with 2 inches of snow last night but now it is 40f and melting, suppose to be frigid weather by the weekend?

7 Dec, 2016


Other then the cold part..homesteading sounds like fun. Even a bit scientific fun as you enlarge that pond and make an ecosystem.
If their is one style of gardening I would do that's not what I do now?
Ecosystem gardening..natural habitat,animals life drawn in. Rotting logs..not pretty driftwood..just rotting moldy mossy logs,leafs never raked..but still the skill of the right native plants,all year growth of something..ponds.
I have some of to watch mushrooms do what they want.
One day.

7 Dec, 2016


I applaud you Stan. I've been re-gardened (?) by nature. The problem with eco gardening is that any place connected with water changes from year to year and it's best not to plan but to wait and see what the spring thaw brings. That's why I chickened out on planting the irises this autumn..after some thought I remembered how the water iris that I bought for $8. a 4 inch pot..ended up a quarter mile from where I planted them after a neighbour released a beaver dam upstream!... those lovely rotting logs and driftwood and animal smelling silty detritis choked the stream and filled up the 4 ft. deep pond I'd already dug. A person becomes a philosopher ...whether that's your bent or not! I've learned most of the wildflowers/plants/perennials/shrubs that were already here when I arrived and tucked my own additions in around them. It has worked well with the hardiest perennials but my tender lovelies just turned up their toes. It's always a work in progress and an exercise in patience.

7 Dec, 2016


We are getting more snow, Vjd. Do you get "lake effect" snow like we get from the Great Lakes or does your weather come up the eastern seaboard? Last summer was our driest ever and usually weather like that is regional..but the whole eastern part of the continent got less rainfall last summer. fingers crossed for a better 2017 season.

7 Dec, 2016


we usually get it from the east occasionally from lake effect but it does not always come down this far.

7 Dec, 2016

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