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Primula auricula seedling


By Naoto

Primula auricula seedling (Primula auricula (Auricula))

Obtained some seeds of P.auricula "Minty" at Pops Plants in Sailsbury. Sown in 2013, and now flowering for the first time in 2017.

Unfortunately it doesn't meet the criteria to become a show auricula, but I will cherish this as normal primula.

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I like it.
Not a show Auricula, but as a Border Auricula if you wished to show it,looks as though there is a small amount of Marginata blood by the slight farinose and small margins on the leaf

26 Mar, 2017


Yes....I treat this as border auricula.
I've got some marginata hybrids, but this one seems to have tried becoming gold-centred, so.........

27 Mar, 2017


It does seem to glow from the centre of those two bottom flowers.

8 Apr, 2017


Yep.....doesn't it?

9 Apr, 2017

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