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Anthericum liliago - 2017


By Andrewr

Anthericum liliago - 2017 (Anthericum liliago)

White flowers on two to three feet stems. For a sunny position in well-drained soil. Will naturalise in grass for an informal planting.

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Rather a lot of grassy foliage, for my thinking.

26 Apr, 2017


I agree. It's planted at the back of a border so the leaves don't show when other perennials have grown up later in the season.

26 Apr, 2017


You are lucky to have the space, Andrew.

27 Apr, 2017


It would work well in my daffodil grass area round the fruit trees , we don't mow it until after the spring flowers have finished ....

2 May, 2017

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This photo is of species Anthericum liliago.

This photo is of "Anthericum liliago" in Andrewr's garden

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