Echinacea Leaves- amazing plant
By Bathgate

28 Apr, 2017
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Benefits of Echinacea include: Fights Cancer, Boosts the Immune System, Alleviates Pain, Functions as a Laxative, Anti-Inflammatory, Improves Skin Problems, Helps Improve Mental Health, Relieves Upper Respiratory Issues, Fights Infection.
Comments on this photo
Wonderful I am a great believer in alternative medicines I read the other day thousands each year die through taking pharmicuticle tablets on record yet no one dies though alternative medication like this.
28 Apr, 2017
Thanks its a very handy plant to have around. You can apply the sap to bug bites, bee stings, scrapes & minor burns. or just mash up some leaves in a cup, add teaspoon of honey & hot water - a nice tea.
This one is called "Eveniing Glow." It will have nice yellow/pink cone flowers late spring into summer.
28 Apr, 2017
Definitely a herb Maggie....a plant that is useful for culinary or medicinal purposes..roots, shoots, leaves or flowers. I knew it was medicinal...but didn't realise it had so many different uses. I'm trying to grow some this year, but they are so slow to get going here and almost always die over the winter.
28 Apr, 2017
It just goes to show you ah! Sometimes natural is best! Do you grow anything or have any recommendations?
I will look it up. If i can't grow it I may try to buy some dried leafs from amazon. I like herbal teas, and I find a really good honey is manuka honey, it's got a lot of antibacterial properties.
Thanks.....if they die do they come back again or do you have to start all over with new plants. ( I'm guessing you buy them in plants and not grow them from seed).
28 Apr, 2017
Mag. I hope you can grow these. Nothing like going out and picking your own fresh leaves. You can be really inventive - add a mint leaf? Fennel? Thanks for the tip about the honey. I really appreciate it.
28 Apr, 2017
Yes Maggie I know loads sage mouth ulcers
My sister use to buy these wild violet leaves now they have stopped selling them here perhaps the pharmaceuticle companies dont like it when some thing better works.
Also check out Comfrey heals broken bones feeds your plants best picked before flowers come I used it in my allotment years ago. For feeding plants Pick leaves soak in water in a large container place lid leave for a month then dilute one part liquid Comfrey to ten parts water. Or chop leaves place around plants let the rain water them in .
Mildew or black spot on roses one part milk to ten parts water spray on affected leaves.
28 Apr, 2017
Your really are very good, thank you very much, I shall look those up. ? ???
You are very welcome, I hope I can grow them too, but time will tell on that. (Least I already have the mint growing) lol. ????
29 Apr, 2017
Maggie, I usually buy bare roots or young plants as they are more reasonably priced. my first year here I bought some lovely ones but none of them came back after the winter. I bought some little bare roots this year to try, but tbh I doubt they will be a success. They are hardening off at the moment in their pots.
29 Apr, 2017
Do you buy them online Karen? Also do you think I may have more luck growing them as I'm in Essex ( I'm guessing it may be a touch warmer). I'm probly wrong though. Lol.
29 Apr, 2017
Your welcome Maggie
29 Apr, 2017
Thrupennybit ???
30 Apr, 2017
Hi Maggie, yes, much warmer. They are easy to find in GCs. The ones I got this year were a GW mag. offer I think.
30 Apr, 2017
These plants are native to the open prairies. They are true wildflowers and don't want to be pampered or coddled too much. They like hot dry sunny conditions, lean loose soil, no fertilizer at all or much water.
30 Apr, 2017
Karen. I shall have a little look out for them in the garden centres then. Thank you ?
Bathgate. If I manage to get one I shall take good notice of what you say as I would very much like to get and successfully grow one to try the leaves in a drink! Thank you ?
30 Apr, 2017
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18 Aug, 2016
How good is this plant! Very interesting. What particular one is it? I would like to try growing it if possible.
Ive got a few herb plants Growing, ( not sure if your echinacea is a herb), lemon verbina and lemon balm being a few of them. In the summer I make herbal teas with them. Very refreshing.
28 Apr, 2017