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Paeonia 'Cardinal Vaughan' (Japanese Tree Peony)

Paeonia 'Cardinal Vaughan' (Japanese Tree Peony) (Paeonia 'Cardinal Vaughan' (Japanese Tree Peony))

Had this variety 20 years ... never lets me down flowers every year ..

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Very good value then, lovely colour.

3 May, 2017


thank you


4 May, 2017


Gorgeous does this have one stem like mine.

4 May, 2017



It did have one stem and after 5 years plus it had grown its own roots from the initial root stock that it had been grafted on to , I bit the bullet and cut it down to the ground and it re shooted from the roots so multi stemmed now


4 May, 2017


Thank you for that Garley gnome I was wonder if I cut it down if it would come back so I shall try it thanks to you.?

4 May, 2017



How old is the one you have ? also do you have a name .

I always do mine as soon as the leaves drop off , dont leave it till January Feb as you know it starts into growth very early in the year , if you can see any immature buds cut just above them just in case ....

I think the secret with Tree Peony is the depth they are planted at , deeper the better so they sucker from underneath which with normal herbaceous peonys deeper planting stops them flowering.


4 May, 2017


Its about 5 or six years old it has always flowered I have a large yellow one too bought the same time which always flowers as well I dont know the name it looks just like yours huge flowers bigger than my hand I have had to tie the two tall large stems together as its bending with the weight. When I furst bought it it was nt red but purple soon as I put it in tge ground it turned red. I shall take your advice to cut back before January. I did have buried them deeper than normal planting. I shall place a photo on to show you.

4 May, 2017


I will keep a eye out for the photo , I know what you mean long stem then a flower on top, the stem is too brittle to bend like a rose to produce more side shoots , better than nothing as they are special

Make sure you cut the flower bud off as soon as the flower is over , if you could give it a mulch with compost around the stem now if possible if you havnt already.


4 May, 2017


The photo is on already ? thanks I shall buy some mulch this week. Its got several stems fir tge flowers but there are from two thick stems at the bottom.

4 May, 2017


Just had a nose both look great ... and lots of blooms


4 May, 2017


Thank you Gnarly gnome ?

4 May, 2017

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This photo is of species Paeonia 'Cardinal Vaughan' (Japanese Tree Peony).

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