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Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

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What a beauty love the edging.

17 May, 2017


thank you. Looks like a splatter painting, I always thought, lol

18 May, 2017


Yes modern art then :o))

18 May, 2017


yeh Jackson Pollock ?

18 May, 2017


lol I see these kind of artist a cadburys fruit and nut case. ha ha .

18 May, 2017


Yes, I heard some strange things about this one. I was forced to write a paper on Pollock in college. He certainly belongs in that category.

18 May, 2017


In metal hospitals years ago they would get their patients to paint to diagnose how depressed or dangerous they were by what they painted and the colours they choose.
Art exhibitions are only for the rich now unless you get a local gallery like here who will ask locals to come and display their art each year.

18 May, 2017


I never understood that type of painting - splatter painting, or just throwing some paint onto a canvas in front of a jet engine. What does that say about somebody? I still don't understand it even after that class. I much prefer Rembrandt or Fragonard. There are some decent collections in New York City.

18 May, 2017


I don't like Damian Hurst either yet its one of our Queens favourite artist so that should explain to you a lot.

Tell me what you think of the one I shall put on my album in a minute then.

18 May, 2017

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