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Trilliums finishing, Lily of the Valley starting


By Lori

Trilliums finishing, Lily of the Valley starting

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I would love a trillion trilliums

30 May, 2017


Gorgeous flowers both white as well

30 May, 2017


Lovely both. I never managed to grow either, my last effort with lily of the valley here was another spectacular failure, they just do a disappearing act on me! And I so love their smell.

31 May, 2017


I'm surprised you don't have "trillions", Bathgate. or are you in the southern tier of the state?
I think they were removed from another part of the yard and dumped in a gravel pile at the base of the big hill... they've quite taken over and I've removed all the ash seedlings and other clutter that wanted to impinge on them... now they tolerate the trilliums and have become a lovely carpet...with only the odd dandelion for punctuation!

1 Jun, 2017


What a lovely setting ,I love the scent of the L of the V ....

7 Jun, 2017


Love Trilliums, surprised they can hold their own against the Lily of Valley, quite rampant in my garden, the LV that is.

7 Jun, 2017


I've found that the yellow beared iris from last spring's swap meet has a distinct vanilla scent... and the DYF beside it smells like lilies... so many wonderful aromas, especially LOTV! The "trillioms" have no scent to speak of, but they are so brilliant. I never appreciated how aggressive the LOTV could be... they've really taken over and in this spot I'm happy to let them. :-)

8 Jun, 2017


I didn't notice my T. Grandiflorum (assuming these are grandif) had black stems, that's so attractive.

8 Jun, 2017

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