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Close up of Alnwick Rose

Close up of Alnwick Rose

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Just seen this 3d...what beautiful rose.

15 Jun, 2017


Thank you Waddy this was the first bloom since buying it.

15 Jun, 2017


Worth buying then...

16 Jun, 2017


Yes to me it is. :o)) Its a David Austin Rose if you are looking for it Waddy.

16 Jun, 2017


Sadly no more room :(

17 Jun, 2017


Same here Waddy but I cheat if I find some thing I really like I get it then I get my grandson to dig out a plant thats not performing well and give it his dad my son and replace it with a new plant lol so I can still see my old plants at my sons lol

17 Jun, 2017


Crafty lol!!

18 Jun, 2017


Yes I do it if I get fed up with a plant as well my son has had lots of plants off me over the years he has different soil to me some plants do better in his soil some don't it s like quality street made for sharing that's how we run in my family we pass thing s on even furniture gas cooker tv combination swings with sea saw slide etc for the kids as there is nt much difference between ages of me and my two oldest children.

19 Jun, 2017


Sounds like a great set up. Share and share alike ☺☺

19 Jun, 2017


You have to especially now a days.

19 Jun, 2017


You do...and you should.

19 Jun, 2017



19 Jun, 2017

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