20170526 073258
By Thrupennybit

3 Jun, 2017
Comments on this photo
lol this one you don't have to dust thank you Waddy.
4 Jun, 2017
And no Del Boy accidents either lol!
4 Jun, 2017
??? no ha ha.
4 Jun, 2017
4 Jun, 2017
I think we ve seen the last of the best programs now we just get palmed off with rubbish or contstant swearing in comedy boring.
4 Jun, 2017
I agree. What passes as comedy these days isn't really funny at all half the time.
4 Jun, 2017
I dont think we have the good writers any more I ll blame it on the poor education system lol
5 Jun, 2017
Even though I used to be a teacher, I quite agree. I'm glad I'm no longer teaching.
5 Jun, 2017
I bet your glad as well the government has interfered to much all the filling in forms which is taking away the attention of the teacher away from the pupils having so much on their plate so their education suffers and they way they have altered the education is horendous to my days in school .
I had to teach all my kids the alphabet no longer taught in schools also how to write my youngest daughter went to a catholic school her first teacher a.dvised me to buy the lady bird books as they were far advanced than the education system books. I use to help out in a social service nursery then in schools listening to children read and school trips in the infants then in senior school maths I was taught the Welsh way as my head was Welsh but in England.
I attended a class where social security send grown ups with difficulties or just ordinary people with not up to date qualifications to get up to date qualifications the teacher use to teach in university's prior yet he could nt get the ones who had difficulties how to add up or write a letter selling them selves
for a job so I had to show him how and I told him off for screaming at a 53 year old man in front of every one who could nt write before he joined there in writing a letter for a job to sell himself I told him society put these people down as it is and there you are expecting him to sell him self in a letter when he can hardly read or write then you call your self an educated man.
My mum use to say when a child asks for help from an educated man and he refuses he is not an educated man at all.
My eldest daughter had learning difficulties she now is a career for mentally disabled home she passed to give medication up in Bradrord Yorkshire she lives and works there
5 Jun, 2017
I'm not sure I fully understood your last paragraph 3p, but I get the gist.
I decided to leave the teaching profession when my husband retired. I felt the government and the exam boards between them had removed all the enjoyment from teaching.
I came into teaching late, after a varied career, but it was something I'd always wanted to do. I foolishly thought that a passion for my subject and a longing to pass on that passion, coupled with a liking for children, were all that I needed. By the time I retired, I knew better.
5 Jun, 2017
Yes I they both have taken the fun out of learning which they will live to regret I feel.
That is such a shame they have lost a good teacher in you. I dont see government or these exam boards working like they put on others.
My last pharagraph my eldest daughter had learning difficulties but with the correct teaching she could have a career in careing for the mentally disabled and has passed her examines to get her qualification to issue medication.
5 Jun, 2017
Well done to your daughter!
5 Jun, 2017
? Thank you Waddy I shall tell her.
5 Jun, 2017
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Like a classy chandelier :)
4 Jun, 2017