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new bearded iris and Double Your Fun


By Lori

new bearded iris and Double Your Fun

so happy I decided to expand this streamside area for more irises.

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7 Jun, 2017


A perfect place to show them off ......

7 Jun, 2017


The yellow and cream beardies in the foreground are vanilla scented... while the DYF in the background have a lily scent. I love that extra dimension.. the scent of apple blossoms, lily of the valley, scented iris, bouncing bette, lilacs and Amur maples, even if you can't see it you know they're there from the heavenly waft!

7 Jun, 2017


Very attractive area. The Iris are beautiful. The rocks lining your dream are so red, they are gorgeous.

7 Jun, 2017


Some of the oldest rock on the planet, Siris. Igneous, hard and a salmon pink with striations of mica and quartz! It looks red when it's wet. Looks great beside black basalt, (also common here) I have too many rocks. (Is that possible?) ;-)

8 Jun, 2017


Your stream is a dream, lol. You have all things of interest in you grounds.

8 Jun, 2017


Thanks Siris! I wish I could shed a few years... and gain some energy. There is such potential here.

10 Jun, 2017


Must agree about the scent. Last year I split my beloved Jane Philips and planted bits along my drive and the scent is just lovely..even on these horrible wet days. With your water course Lori, you could have loads of different kinds of Iris. :)

11 Jun, 2017


Oh...and could you chuck some of those beautiful rocks over here!

11 Jun, 2017


Karen: If I could get a transporter I could "beam you over" a few boulders!
I have Siberians, 3 types , and water iris (yellow) said to be invasive (I say bring it on!) and now I have 4 types of beardies. This spring I split the sibs and planted them in three more places and split the yellow water iris into 5 more clumps... I have found an iris maven who lives about 60 kms. away who has a very large collection of beardies and sibs... so we have a swap day planned once they've quit blooming. with the two streams on my property I have many, many, many sites to fill!
I love the colour of the Jane Phillips.. would you say it was lavender blue! dilly dilly...? there are so many different types of iris, but I find that in my climate I do best with siberians and beardless... but I have a huge, dark purple one which has struggled in the last few years, but this spring (in the transfer bed) it has produced the largest leaves and I'm hoping for a huge flower or two...It resembles a South African Iris that a GoY friend has in Southern California. I get a bit confused by all the different families and sizes and blooming periods...and some like it dry..some moist... but I keep collecting! someday I'll have them all!

11 Jun, 2017

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