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Delphinium medley

Delphinium medley (Delphinium)

Diva of the plant world but put the time in with these and what a show you get

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Gorgeous aren't they .......

16 Jun, 2017


Wow what a mixture they are stunning . Do you stake them and how do you keep the slugs snails away.

16 Jun, 2017


Thanks both , I did say earlier in the year I was giving it my all to get some decent ones and to grow them properly as I have failed miserably in the past, but out of all the perennials I grow these need attention to get the best out of them , soil preparation as well.

I am wanting more varieties for next year , the blues and purples are my favorite. Two I am after are " Vanessa Mai" & "Guy Langdon" have a google !

Its in the feeding if you want big blooms and reducing each plant to 4 or 5 stems or less in the early spring and you can use these for cuttings. I might have a bash at showing some next year. I have also crossed some for seeds and they have set. I will remove any secondary flowers as it messes up next year blooms.

Light pink is " Clifford Lass"

Darker pink " Strawberry fair"

Dark purple " Mighty Atom" top right ish

Purple with a white eye " Nobility" bottom left

3PB I have used slug pubs which have worked really well , 3 bamboo canes pushed in at a angle so the tops are further out than the bottom and then 3 sets of green string which is hard to see. I think next year I will buy a can of spray paint "green" and spray the canes.


16 Jun, 2017


Good luck, if you are going to show. You will need some dedication. Too much like hard work and the slugs decimate here, so plumped on Aconitums instead.

16 Jun, 2017


Thank you Gnarly gnome never heard of slug pub I shall have to look out for that. i ve just bought a new variety the lady who owns the nursery said it was a new kind called moonlight see if you like that one. What do you feed yours with.

An expert on tv growing these pours heap of sand on his so the slugs dont get the new growth.

16 Jun, 2017


3PB thats part of a new range bred in Scotland "Highlander Series" the one you have has a lilac outer petal and a green center , very nice , yes I have been told of the sand you put down late autumn , must give it a go.
How big is the plant you have at the moment ?

Vitax Q4 for the soil and thats pre dug in before planting , then after that once they have been planted a high nitrogen feed (chempack no2) then a seaweed feed once a week and to finish half strength feed in every watering once the bloom starts to show.

Slug pubs are easy to make , you put larger/beer inside a water tight receptacle higher than the soil so no beetles drop in etc and the slugs climb in for a Jacuzzi party and dont come back out.
I did do a experiment with one filled with lemonade which they also like but the crawled back out again lol.

Siris they have beginners classes to start off with ... and the show I am planing to enter is only 10 mins from my mums house.


17 Jun, 2017


Yes that's the one Gnarly gnome on the label a little picture shows it looks like a cabbage lol but I thought I would try it, when I got home I looked it up and yes it looks lovely. Its about 1ft at present it did have a flower on it which made it taller but its been snapped off before being planted but there are flowers coming from the other stems It says they grow to about 24" to 28 " if you would like seeds let me know. Hoping the snails don't get it first hopefully not.

Thank you for the instruction s on how to feed them I have copied it thanks. Also thank you for explaining what the slug pub is . It says a lot about larger or beer if it does that to slugs I wonder what its doing to people who drink it but then again larger is a chemical which alters the brains cells hence larger lout so the slugs are larger louts lol .

17 Jun, 2017


If the plant is a new cutting this year ? , you dont want it to flower it need to put the energy into growing.

It wont grow true from seeds but I am sure they would be interesting to see what they produce


17 Jun, 2017


Do I cut the tiny bud flowers off then ? I shall have to phone the lady at the nursery and ask.

So would you like some seeds or are you just curious to see if I keep seeds what they produce . Thank you for your great advice.

17 Jun, 2017


Yes ring the nursery to check , it makes all the difference for next year flowers if you take the flowering stem off on this years cuttings as I mentioned I wont let my plants have a second flush this year as you you use the dormant buds and they will flower less next year and the quality wont be the same. Yes just cut them off.
if they are last year cutting yes please I would like some seeds


17 Jun, 2017


I shall phone the and ask the lady then and yes if it is nt a young cutting from last year I shall save you seed , but I shall save seeds for you next year if I have to cut this years flower s off if that is ok with you.

17 Jun, 2017


Of course its ok with me , its kind of you to offer and it is appreciated


17 Jun, 2017


That's great and your very welcome.

17 Jun, 2017


If only I had room..., these are gorgeous. Your dedication has certainly paid off.

17 Jun, 2017


Thanks Waddy

another tick on the bucket list of gardening .....


17 Jun, 2017



18 Jun, 2017


Beautiful show you have there GG.....

19 Jun, 2017


Thanks Dotty

I have been pleased with the show they are producing ...

And still are


19 Jun, 2017


Saving to favorites......

20 Jun, 2017


thank you


20 Jun, 2017


They are superb GG. 10 out of 10 for dedication to project.

28 Jun, 2017


AHH thanks OBW well worth the xtra work.

I have found a supplier of Vanessa Mai" , Guy Langdon, Spindrift and Raymond Lister, the plants have mine name on them so well happy ... have a google amazing flowers, OR wait and I will show you next year ...


29 Jun, 2017

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This photo is of "Delphinium Strawberry Fair" in Gnarly_gnome's garden

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