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Garden Sept 2014

Garden Sept 2014

Pinky Winky Hydrangea is to the right of the photo - this photo is from my garden at my previous place. The Pinky Winky flowers gradually turn pink which gets deeper until they are finished. You can also see lucky lantana which had lots of people extremely impressed but I have not been able to find it since. The lavender bush is the one that my cat loved to sit in. (yes IN!) The fuchsia was such an unusual colour and shape and I enjoyed it a lot. You can see the verbena, and in front of it I am not sure what those small blue flowers are, nor the lovely pink flowers with yellow middles that positively thrived all that summer. And on the left is a bush that I sadly had to leave behind. The little pink tinged star shaped flowers smelled divine.

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Colourful and pretty boarder mix.

31 Jul, 2017


Thank you :) The garden was only about a 14 foot square of concrete but I had the raised border built when my dog destroyed everything that was in pots on the floor :D

31 Jul, 2017


What a shame but a great idea to do raised beds yes pets can distroy things in gardens . Small but beautiful like lot of court yards which I think are lovely.

31 Jul, 2017


Oh yes I agree court yards can be gorgeous. There is a wonderful little place in Southwold that has a court yard garden with a few tables to sit and eat. They have been very creative with using trellis and how things are spaced so the room available is gloriously blooming all around and doesn't feel crowded.

31 Jul, 2017


It was very attractive Pamela, small is beautiful as the saying goes...

31 Jul, 2017

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This photo is of "Hydrangea Pinky Winky" in Pamelaanne's garden

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